Saturday, December 30

Silly toys

I bought this "baby bouncer" or whatever it's called, when Alicia was only a baby. It never worked with her, never liked it. Cristina seemed to like it a bit more, but wasn't so thrilled either. You have all sorts of toys and artifacts for kids, and so many of them are just useless and silly. I recorded this with my camera when she was only 4 months. The sound didn't work, but since she didn't talk yet, it's ok :-)


James Shott said...

Nuri, what happened? I tried to watch the video and got the message, "The video is no longer available."

Nuri said...

Apparently, Youtube is still processing it. I uploaded it only yesterday. Should have waited to post it.

James Shott said...

Not much bouncing, true enough, but she seems to enjoy standing up!