Thursday, December 7

Traditions: the Tió

Here’s a picture of me (on the right), my brother and sister when we were kids, celebrating a tradicional festivity, the Tió. I have no idea how this translates.
The Tió is celebrated on Christmas Eve and it dates back centuries ago (I know that’s not very accurate, but I’m no historian). After dinner, kids gather close to the fire, where we place the Tió, which is a humanized Log. Like this pic:

He’s usually covered with a blanked so that he doesn’t get a cold, but the real use of the blanket is to hide the presents. Kids are sent to another room to recite Christmas verses, because that’s what the Tió likes. Then they go back and hit (yes hit) the Tió with sticks chanting “caga tió, caga turró, si no en tens més, caga diners”. Now, the translation will not be very nice because the Tió is supposed to “shit” the presents. Quite scatological, yes. I hope I don’t offend some sensibilities here. Then they remove the blanket and Oh SURPRISE, there’s presents. This ceremony is repeated again and again until the presents run out. We call it “Caga Tió” (making the Tió shit). Mmm. Definately not classy, but the kids love it.


Buffalo said...


Tio is Spanish for uncle, no?

Nuri said...

Yes, but it doesn't refer to the Spanish Tio. It's Tió with an accent (Catalan). And it doesn't mean anything, to my knowledge.

ayla said...

that's the craziest tradition! I wonder how it started... and how it actually became a tradition.

Are you continuing it with your children?

Buffalo said...

I must confess my ignorance. I know nothing about Catalan.

Nuri said...

Ayla, mostly everyone I know does the Tió. Santa Claus is trying to sneak in, though. Santa is an imported tradition (more nordic) but some like it better.
Logs were a source for comfort in ancient homes because people would get light and warmth from them in the winter. That's how it started, I think. At some point, someone thought logs would also bring gifts... and it's been going on since I don't know when!!

Abha Malpani said...

hahaha is this just a Catalan tradition or is it practised outside Catalunia as well?

Santa and log, how did that come about!

Nuri said...

I think it's only a Catalan tradition...

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