Thursday, July 19

I'm a fishing expert

We've had a great time... too bad my husband is going back to work, and so will I in a few days. We haven't done anything special. Just taking walks, eating ice creams, watching Prison Break, eating out occasionally and going to the beach. The beach is great. Not many people, which is surprising considering it's july, maybe that's why the water was so clean. Or so it seemed, because the Mediterranean is supposed to be one of the most polluted seas of the world (sigh). I've become a fisherwoman! Some kids were trying to catch fish and crabs between rocks using small nets... my daughter insisted I must try and catch something. With a little patience and two small nets, I managed to catch a tiny fish (about the size of a toe!) but that was enough for the kids to consider me an expert! Two boys were staring at our fish and handed me their nets: "Would you catch one for us, please?"
By the way, is there anything more embarrassing than being on the sand and having your child, from the water, ask loud enough for everyone to hear:

PD: my husband had his MRI yesterday at 5AM... and everything seems to be fine... and blood results are ok (good levels of medication) GREAT!


Buffalo said...

It's all good then.

James Shott said...

Aren't kids wonderful?

And, by the way, I am pleased that your hubby's checkup was positive.