Friday, December 5


Alicia (my 6 year old) and I were having a conversation yesterday about God (the one who lives in the sky, as she says).
She doesn't know much about religion, so I told her many people in the world actually believe God is the creator of all things.
She looked at me in disbelief and stated:

"that's not true!"
"How can you know?" I asked her.
"It was the Romans who made everything!", she said.


Buffalo said...

That is hilarious!

James Shott said...

So, Nuri, how will you straighten out this conflict of ideas?

Nuri said...

As soon as I find out who is actually behind everything...

No, seriously. She doesn't have a conflict, I do. I really don't know who or what is behind the Big Bang, even after being schooled as a Roman Catholic!