Saturday, June 20


I'm going to need to go through some rehab program. Seriously. It's only been two days, but I'm alredy missing school. University, that is. The atmosphere, the classes, my new friends. It's been a great, busy first year... Maybe we're too young when we go to college or uni or whatever you call it. When you're in your thirties, you no longer worry too much about grades or getting rid of the work, you're there to enjoy and learn, and I know I have.

Oh, and... speaking about being hooked. I talked to my doctor and I'm slowly getting off my antidepressant. Hope I can stay without it.


Buffalo said...

I suspect an older student has lived long enough to appreciate the value of an education and the joy of learning.

Justin Other Smith said...

I've found blogging to be extremely cathartic and am always somewhat intrigued whenever anyone takes the time to comment. It's a funny thing but family and friends rarely comment. Most come from strangers who I suspect are sleep deprived. Still, it's nice to be heard. BTW, your Grandmother was beautiful.