Saturday, January 6

The Great Dictator - speech

Another of my favourite movies. For those who haven't seen it, it's the final speech. Chaplin is a "fake" Hitler... Aplicable today?


Buffalo said...

Damn! I hadn't seen the movie. Thanks.

Nuri said...

I love that movie. Chaplin was accused of being a communist after it was released.

Anonymous said...

Stirring speech...what year? I knew Chaplin was accused of being a commie, but didn't know why until now. I guess whenever you call for humanity to unite for the betterment of all people you will be labeled by those "greedy dictators" Chaplin talks about as being a traitor.

"Everyone does better when everyone does better." - saw it on a bumper sticker once - it stuck with me.

Great post - thanks for bringing it to my attention.

James Shott said...

I think that is the first time I ever heard Chaplin speak.

Good speech. A little pie-in-the-sky, though.


Nuri said...

Wil, it was in 1940. The movie is a great satire of dictatorships in general and especially of the Nazi regime. James, "pie-in-the-sky" means you find it "cheesy"?

James Shott said...

No, Nuri, not "cheesy." Sorry for using that phrase.

It means unrealistic, or unachievable. A "pipe dream." A nice goal, but not realistic.

Nuri said...

Don't be sorry! That's a new phrase for me.