1-I never thought I'd sign books, but I did! I'm the co-author (along with 7 other people) of a book about my hometown. So yesterday we all went to the book presentation. I didn't expect people to actually ask me for an autograph! LOL... Later my daugther watched me on this platform where my boss was giving a short speech and she said to my husband: "When will they give mom her prize?"
2-Today is Sant Jordi (Saint George), the most celebrated festivity in Catalonia. Men are supposed to get books from their girlfriend/wife and women get roses. If you're lucky, you get both. So far, I have a single rose... more about it on a next post! We're going for a walk and I'll take some pictures.
3-I read in El Pais that Ratzinger (the pope) stated that "hell exists and it is eternal". His predecesor said hell was not a physical place, but he seems to need to restore our image of fire and a red devil with horns and such... I've always been afraid of the devil, and I blame it on my catholic upbringing. To this day, whenever I'm especially stressed and worried, I dream of if!!! Can you believe it? I should bring charges against the Vatican for that!
Nuri, congratulations on publishing your book. I've published a lot of my writing, but never an entire book!
And don't despair, if I were there I would give you a rose, even though I'm not your boyfriend/husband.
You could bring charges against the Vatican, and if you were in the U.S., you could sue, and probably win a lot of money.
Pretty neat stuff, Nuri. Congratulations!
I remember a couple of nightmares during my childhood that were induced by hellfire and brimstone sermons. I don't think a priest can hold a candle to a holy roller preacher when it comes to scaring kids.
Congratulations on publishing your book. "The Devil Made You Do It!' Ergo, your claim against the Pope and Hell is upheld. I award you a gizallion, of what I don't know.
Good luck with your future writing.
Thank you all! It's not exactly literature, but I'm glad I worked on this project. WM, what exactly is "a gizallion" ??
A gizallion is the amount that Alice received from her encounter with the "Wicked Witch of the West."
OK, I made it up. {;>O]
Hey you wrote a book! which language is it in? and what does it talk about? what is it called? And you are back to blogging!
Abha, I just wrote a few pages actually (there's seven people involved). It's in Catalan, and it's about my hometown, with lots of pictures. Not the type of book you'd read!
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