Monday, October 6


Not yet
But I really NEED to go over math. The math they teach in elementary and middle school because... well... I have not made a single division in ages without using a calculator. And all my math concepts are dusty and forgotten in some remote corner of my brain...
My plate is full right now: kids to school, university, work, sometimes back to university and home to kids or school to pick them up. I'm so lucky that everything is within walking distance!
So I don't know if I'll be blogging much. I still want to post every other day at least but I don't know if I will manage.
Anyway, the truth is I'm so happy I decided to study. Most of my teachers make really interesting classes and I'm meeting new people, which is also nice...


Buffalo said...

I've never had a problem with multiplication, subtraction, addition, and division. Fractions are my enemies. I can never remember the formula and I bet I have relearned it a half dozen time over the years. Frustrating.

I bet you're doing just fine, Nuri.

James Shott said...

Alright, Nuri. You've been on vacation long enough.

Now, get back to that keyboard, and tell us what is going on in your life!