Friday, October 31

It's been a long time, but I really have been very very busy managing University, work and kids. But I'm so glad I decided to study! I'm more interested in studying than when I was 18. There's a big difference... Some teachers (actually two) are really motivating, and make classes so interesting that you just don't want to skip a lesson. And I have an assingment due for the 7th (next friday) so I have some work ahead. English is not hard so far. They say it gets tougher on the second year. We'll see. A part from studying, it's a big holiday in our hometown, so we've been doing a lot of fun stuff with the girls, like visiting the fair, going to a really nice circus and attending an opera for children, based on the story of Cinderella. Both hubby and I loved it, Alicia liked it even though it was hard for her to understand the actors through their singing and Cristina... well, I think she's too little. She thought it was fun for about 10 minutes, and then we had trouble keeping her seated. But believe me, it was worth it!

1 comment:

James Shott said...

Hang in there, Nuri. I admire you for taking this on.