Tuesday, November 21

Forgetful mom

My mother is quite a forgetful woman (And I think I may have inherited that). Three years ago She gave me this ring for my birthday. Nice, very nice. Gold, with my name on it. Thank you mom. Now, two years ago she gave me the exact same ring.

-Err... mom??
-What? Don't you like it?
-Yes, yes... sure... it's nice...
-Nothing, last year was also nice!

Also, not long ago, She gave me this bracelet with my age on it. She was quite enthusiastic: "I thought we could add a number each year, it would look so nice, don't you think?"

NO, I DON'T THINK SO. Mom, once you get to 30, you don't want to be reminded each year how old you are. And, people would know just looking at my wrist!!!!: "Hey, Nuri, you have more rings on your bracelet every year, must be getting old!!"

No, thanks. Really.

PD: Have you ever flirted with the "Delete this blog" button?


Buffalo said...

Flirted with it? Have used it quite often.

Nuri said...

Oh, so that's not the first blog you have?

James Shott said...

Nuri, when I view that photo on my computer, the numbers on the bracelet don't show up well. Can you help me out with them?

And no, I have never flirted with the "Delete this Blog" button, and you shouldn't, either!! ;)

James Shott said...

By the way, I have been curious about this ever since I first visited here: What does "Criaturades" mean, and how do you pronounce it?

Buffalo said...

No, I have only one blog. Also have a web site that is a journal of my ride around the USA on my motorcycle. When you spoke of deleting, I thought you were refering to posts, not the entire blog. I have, however, been very tempted to close down my blog many times.

Nuri said...

Nice try James, he he... this is the ring (I have two, but I don't know where the other one is) but it's not the bracelet I'm talking about... Do you think I'd post it here so that anyone can count????

Criaturades means "kid's stuff" (It was supposed to be a blog about my family, you see... anyway I'm also a big kid, so it's ok)

Abha Malpani said...

I always see that 'delete this blog' button and wonder what's going to happen if I press it. Like - that's all it takes? a click and my entire writing for over a year will be gone? - that thought normally keeps me well away from it.

Dont flirt with it Nuri!

Unknown said...

oh well... at least the thought counts :-) Happy birthday dear