Wednesday, February 28


Forget about the cute pics. This is what my daughters looked like last night, at least to me. They did everything they were not supposed to do, messed things up, touched everything I didn't want them to touch and yes, even giggled when they knew I was reaching my LIMIT. Gremlins. And I'm taking them on a 12 day cruise... (sigh*)


Anonymous said...

that is hilarious! I can just see Raihana in that thing on the right. the resemblance is uncanny.

Nuri said...

Ooooh you don't want to see that, believe me koonj. The thing is they go through some "mutation" after school, and once they get home their ears grow like that, their arms start to stretch out, voices become louder and... yes, they start with that malevolent giggle of theirs ;-)

Buffalo said...

Another snapshot in the memory book of life.

Unknown said...

LooL oh my God, the kids of this new era really surprise u :-)

James Shott said...

I have two who have looked exactly like that.

Numerous times!

Winfred Mann said...

I hope you didn't expose the Gremlins to water... you know what happens when you do that.