Tuesday, May 15

Her first essay!!

Alicia likes to practice handwriting in capital letters. Yesterday she came to me and showed me this paper. I'd call it her first essay, it reads:
"I'm inviting Marina to my party because she is my friend. Kisses for everyone, I will not come back until saturday. I won't come back until the sun comes out again I can't go out at night and pick pretty flowers. Marina, good bye, good bye to all the kids in school"
Of course, it's in Catalan, without any comas or punctuation signs and no separation between words. But she's 4 years old!! I'm so proud (she'll be 5 in august)


Winfred Mann said...

She writes better than most; makes more sense too!


James Shott said...

This may be an indication of a budding writer. Cultivate that.

Nuri said...

Thanks! Now, she also wrote a "threatening" letter to her sister... this may be an indication of... (just kidding). She did write to her 2 year old sister, telling her she won't be invited to her 5 birthday party because she hits her and breaks her toys!

James Shott said...

Ah, kids. What a joy.
