Monday, August 6

Yesterday was Alicia's birthday. She turned 5! For the first time, we organised a small party at my parents' home and invited some of her friend and their parents. Had a picnic (my inlaws frown upon these shallow/consumist displays) and then we all went to the beach where I managed to catch more of those almost invisible fish. I thought about asking Alicia to make a wish when she was about to blow out the candles but I remembered the last time I told her to do something similar: We were at the Fontana di Trevi (in Rome), and told her to throw the coins and make a wish, so she did. She seemed to be taking it seriously, but then she looked at me and said: "I wished for you to buy me The Little Mermaid" So this time, I didn't tell her ;-)


Buffalo said...

Happy Birthday Alicia!

James Shott said...

Ditto from me.