Monday, September 22

First day of school

Typical introduction, no classes. Mrs X explained to a group of 200 students what this career is like, its different majors and things like that. Most of the students were in their late teens or twenties except some moms, like me. We scanned the crowd and found each other as if we were trying to find aliens from outer space. A teacher (I'll call her Mrs X because I can't really remember her name) explained many details about our new career and then faced the questions from the students. One of the questions was particularly interesting. It came from a girl. I couldn't see her face from where I was sitting but I could see her feet: sneakers and socks with skeletons. "Is it really necessary to attend all classes?". Believe it or not, that's what Ms Skeleton Socks asked. Maybe she expected Mrs X to say "No dear, of course not, if that's too taxing for you, just don't ok? We just write down some subjects because they look good on your schedule, but you don't have to attend, dear..." That's not what she said, of course... Then the big group was divided, and I found that only 35 students plan to teach English in elementary schools. Among them were my "mom" friends. Good! Our first assingment was to write an essay about our stay in another country just to test our knowledge of English. The hardest part for me was handwriting. I'm so used to typing I feel I'm no longer "readable" when I have to use a pen...
Tomorrow, first day of real class...


James Shott said...

Well, Nuri, I wish you the best in this new endeavor.

Interesting that you and I are both having problems with handwriting. I have just had to write a series of "thank you" notes to some people who helped with my foundation's Annual Dinner. I think handwritten notes are more personal, and much better. It's just that, like you, I haven't done much of that for a long time, and my penmanship has never been especially good. I have writer's cramp for the first time in years, too.

By the way, are you not allowed to use the computer for your essays?

Buffalo said...

I truly enjoy writing on quality paper with a good fountain or straight pen.

You go, girl. I admire your decision to go back to school.

Nuri said...

James, we are allowed to use computers, but sometimes we are required to write the old way, you know, using a paper and a pen ;-)

It's interesting, because you realize how much we are forgetting about penmanship (as buffalo called it) and how we tend to just use our fingers just to click on our keyboard.
Thank you for your support. I'm enjoying it, for now...