Saturday, October 28

Being a politician can be tough..

One of the Catalan candidates to elections, Mr X, went to a neighborhood in the outskirts of a big Catalan city.
So this man, who is expecting at least his family to vote for him, didn't have a sweet day. He represents the type of party who is in favor of restricting immigration 100% and is not a big fan of social security and such "help" from government. I think the American model would be more what he has in mind (no job, no health insurance, right?) Anyway. In these neighborhood mostly gipsies aproached him. Complaining that since there's a lot of Moroccans and Romanians and Pakistanis, they're not getting as much money from the government as they used too.
I think the gipsies are one of the ethnics groups who have more trouble integrating into any society. Oh, and aside from listening to the gipsies complain that they're not the poorest anymore, a kid actually demanded Mr X that next time, he should bring along Ronaldinho to their neighborhood. You know, so that Mr X's visit is not so boring. Poor Mr X


ayla said...

that's funny!

On the down side, this is politics these days :O(

James Shott said...

Nuri, where have you been recently?

ayla said...

Yes where did you disappear to?

James Shott said...

That's what I want to know: Where are you, Nuri. I miss you, and the readers of Observations miss you, too!

Nuri said...

Hey! Thanks for your comments. I should have posted rules: no off topic comments (he he)
I've been to Venice on a short holiday. I sent you an e-mail, James, wishing you happy birthday, but I guess you don't read your mail!

James Shott said...

Well, Nuri, I didn't see your email. Did you send it to the jsobservations email?

Thanks for the good wishes (even if I didn't see the email),though.

I hope your holiday was pleasant and relaxing.

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