Friday, October 20

PMS and Metamorphosis

When I have PMS, I feel I might be the leading actress in the movie "Species". You see, I feel compelled to eat, I crave chocolate and sweets. Thank God it's only a few days. But I wonder if, one day, I'll end up wrapped in a coccoon waiting for a big metamorphosis, just like the girl in Species.
I have to say, though, I don't look like her (sigh) I'm not an alien, either.


Anonymous said...

I never had thought that spending time with a woman in the throes of PMS would be enjoyable, but it you like chocolate and sweets, it might not be so bad. ;)

James Shott

Nuri said...

My mood is not so sweet, though... I'm not sure you'd like it

Anonymous said...

"When I have PMS, I feel I might be the leading actress in the movie "Species"."Hey well at least you can admit it.