Friday, June 8

I don't blog much. I don't have anything interesting to say, and not much time, but I just decided that doesn't matter, really. No one, but YOU knows I have this silly blog. What's on my mind today?? My job sometimes is utterly boring and unchallenging. Nice schedule, that's true, but still... I've been thinking about trying something else, but I feel I'm old to start a new career... Anyway... Had another fight with my brother (What am I, 4 years old again?) and that's bothering me. He apologized but I brushed him off. I can be mean sometimes.
I'm having difficulty concentrating... and writing in English is challenging to me. So the thing is, Should I blog whatever silly thought I have or should I try to produce something interesting?


Winfred Mann said...

Your opinion of what is interesting may be at the root here. Others may find what you post to be interesting, even if you don't.

Buffalo said...

Write what you wish. Write of your life, your thoughts - whatever crosses your mind and that you wish to share. But write.

James Shott said...

So the thing is, Should I blog whatever silly thought I have or should I try to produce something interesting?

Yes, absolutely!

Whatever you prefer. This today, that tomorrow.

Some of us just like visiting with you, whatever you want to write about.

Nuri said...

Thank you all!

Abha Malpani said...

blog whatever the hell you want to nuri, that's the coolest thing about blogging! so rant on, we are reading :)

Nuri said...

Thanks Abha!! Nice to hear from you from time to time...